Why propose this park?
Canada needs a site where its military contribution is explained
- The park provides a 120 acre location and features unique to Canada.
- A broad educational experience can be presented about Canada’s wartime efforts.
- An opportunity only available today to overseas visitors.
- A chance to tell the story of the contribution of Sydney Harbour.
- The economic benefits will be significant.
How much will the park cost/how will it be funded?
Some preliminary estimates:
- Based on a 2017 engineering study, the Chapel Point restoration to cost $3.7 million.
- The Family Park/Neil’s Woods area will cost about $3 million.
- Visitor amenities including visitor/education center will cost about $3 million.
- Further research required for feature monument/historic themes site but could be in the 10-15 million range.
- Overall costs could be between 15-25 million.
How will it be funded and constructed?
Each phase will have its own funding strategy, the beginning funding efforts will focus on Chapel Point restoration. No implementation of a phase will be initiated until funding has been obtained to cover the total cost. A multi-faceted funding strategy will be employed(private/corporate donations,community contributions and special events). For each construction phase a competitive contract or contracts will be issued as required for the construction effort.
What is the project timeline?
- The project will be completed in phases over a 5 year period.
- Chapel Point completed over next 2 years(2019).
- Neil’s Woods/Family Park area over 3 years(2020).
- Monument/Historic Themes site by 2022.
What is the reaction of the local community?
The response to date has been very positive. Several presentations have been made to local legion organizations and strong support has been received. Further community presentations will be held to gauge the level of support and address any concerns. As an indication of support a local resident has donated land to the project.
How is this different from the Green Cove proposal?
There are significant differences including:
- The park is at the entrance to Sydney Harbour, an area steeped in military history.
- The site is centrally accessible and an attraction for the cruise ship industry.
- The sheer size and features of the park are unique (120 acres/family park/beach/walking
- trails/restored fortifications/1st nations replica encampment).
- The land is publicly owned and doesn’t impact an existing parks setting.
What kind of feature monument will be erected?
Characteristics to include:
- A landmark statue large enough to be visible from cruise ships (approximately 25 meters in height)- comparable to the low point height lighthouse across the harbour from the site.
- An evocative, realistic interpretation of Canadian wartime service.
- Incorporation of appropriate features from the Vimy Memorial.
- Be representative of Canadian values and diversity.
- Be cost effective and enduring in nature.
- Design proposals to be reviewed by a monument advisory board (composition to be determined).
How will environmental issues be dealt with?
- An environmental review will be conducted.
- Significant remediation has been completed by the Federal Government around Edwards Pond.
- The type of construction required for the park does not involve deep soil penetration-not similar to housing developments.
How will the park benefit Cape Breton?
- It will be trans formative for Sydney harbour adding to the positive tourism and cruise ship growth.
- Preliminary estimates are for over 20,000 additional tourists annually.
- Hundreds of jobs to be created.
- Continuous employment for park staff ( about 25 person-years annually).
- Spin off benefits for businesses (accommodation/food/commodity purchases).
- A comprehensive business case quantifying and confirming the benefits is being developed.
Why was the Sydney Mines location chosen?
- A unique combination of features found nowhere else.
- 40 acre headland with a panoramic view of the harbour.
- Restored nature pond.
- Beautiful beach.
- Historic harbour fortifications.
- Large woodland suitable for walking trails.
- 120 acres of publicly owned land.
- A region steeped in military history.
How will Canadians learn about the project?
Through an ambitious communications strategy
- Local/regional communities.
- General public nationally.
- Corporations.
- Private donors.
- Government agencies.
- Media outlets.
- Political contributions.
Who is responsible for the park?
- The park land is owned by the CBRM and NS Natural Resources.
- The society will lease the land for purposes of park development.
- The society will own and operate the park during the development phases.
- Ownership options will be developed for transfer to an appropriate management agency ( independent agency or Government organization) when the park is completed.
What will it cost to use the park?
A competitive fee schedule will be developed.
Preliminary estimates are:
- $8.00 for adults.
- $4.00 for youths.
- $20.00 for a family pass.
- These are comparable to other sites in Cape Breton.
How will the wild bird (sandpiper) nesting area be protected?
- Parks Canada protocols to be followed.
- Wooden boardwalks over sand dunes.
- Warning signs.
How will the park be protected from vandalism?
- A security plan will be developed.
- Fencing around the park.
- Video monitoring will be used.
- Security guards.
Other Questions
If you have any feedback and/or questions not covered by the FAQ, please leave us a comment here and we will get back to you as soon as we can!